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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Minutes of Judges Training and Scoresheets

submitted 30Jul2009 by Gauvorplattler Mark La Course

Gau Preisplattler Judges give vote of confidence

  Declaration from the Gau Judges Attending the Preisplattler Training Weekend. On July 10-12, the Judging Panel (10) selected for the Gaufest, plus 5 others from the Judges Pool, attended Judges Training in Toledo, in preparation for the upcoming Preisplatteln competitions. These included:

Preisplattler Audio Files

Submitted 12Jul2009 by admin
At the last Ausschuss meeting it was decided that we would make our Preisplatteln music for both Gruppen- and Einzelpreisplatteln available on the website. These tracks are available on the Preisplattler Uebungs CD from Rick Michels that can be purchased from the Gau library.

Gau Nordamerika Trachtler visit Holzhausen

submitted 27May2009 by C. Marquardt

Gau Website Forum temporarily unavailable

submitted 01May2009 by C. Marquardt The Forum on the Gau website is temporarily unavailable. The server for the website recently was changed. Since that time we have experienced some difficulties. Webmaster Kirk Cramer is working to restore the Forum. If you notice any other pages that are not available please report them to the webmaster. Thank you.

Minutes of Executive Board meeting now available


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