Brenda Nowak, Gaubeisitzerin, has provided the following announcement from the Gaubeisitzer:
We are happy to report that the updated Gauverband Directory (formerly the Trachtenkalendar) has been completed and is now available for reviewing and downloading at the below link. We have included the information for the Vereine who provided us with updates. For those of you who did not provide updates, limited information on your Verein is included.
A few changes to the Directory:
The Directory is available for viewing on your smart device and your computer.
It is printable in an 8.5x11 format. Most home printers can print in a booklet format if you prefer that – just look for Booklet under “Printing Sizing & Handling” on your print screen.
We have included a QR code for the Directory on the last page so you can more easily share it with your contacts (instead of carrying a paper copy with you).
We have included QR codes for the Bayerischer Trachtenverband website as well as included the Tiroler Landes Trachtenverband website and its QR code.
The Directory is meant to now be a more easily updateable and accessible document. If you have any fundamental changes to your information, we ask that you update your information using the Jotform and advise us of the update. If you have any minor updates, we ask that you just email us directly with the change.
While this is our first opportunity to create an online digital document, we are always learning. If you see an error or would like to have something added for information purposes, please let us know.
The link to the directory can also be found under "Member Vereine" from the home page. The directory will no longer be mailed out with the Gauzeitung.