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2018 Bayerischer Löwe - Update for March

Note: March update attachment was revised as of 3/8.

As of this writing, we are less than 90 days away from our trip to Haldenwang Bavaria where we'll participate in the Allgäuer Trachtenfest and have our Preisplatteln champions compete "um den bayerischen Löwen."  I hope everyone going has their travel plans mostly in order. The following is a very brief synopsis of the March update.

We have a large group going. We currently have 35 groups being represented, with a count of 241 Trachtler. The volunteers who will be running the actual competition have been assigned their roles. Judges and musicians have been identified. The schedule for the days of May 30-June 3 is firming up and will be filled with sightseeing, dancing, practicing, meetings, competition, and parades. The link below takes you to all the details.

A really exciting development has been the development of the Löwe pin that will be given out this year. The pin used since the start competition has been a lion holding a circle that has the Bavarian Rautenmuster in it. The only change from year to year is the date engraved on it.  For 2018, however, the lion will hold the Gau-NA logo of Rautenmuster with North America on it! What an honor for us. To read the whole story about how this came about -- from Sepp Kaindl's idea, to the Gauvorplattler of each Gauverband approving the change, click on the link below.

Click here to read the entire March update         Click here to go to the page with all the Löwe info            Or go to Resources/Dance


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