Gauverband Nordamerika is planning to attend the Lechgau Trachtenfest and Wertungsplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen, to be held in Steingaden, Bavaria, from July 15 through July 24, 2016. The event spans two weekends. The Lechgau Trachtenfest and Fahnenweihe begins with a Bayerischer Abend on Friday, July 15, followed by a concert, Festzug and Gauheimatabend on Saturday evening, July 16. The Trachtenfest is all day Sunday, July 17. We should register as a group when we arrive at the Fest on Sunday afternoon. Fest tickets (ribbons) will cost 2.50 Euro per person. Below is a link to the Fest flyer. 15 Gauverband Gruppen, with 77 people, are planning to participate in the Gaufest.
The Wertungsplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen will occur the following Saturday, on July 23. 21 Gauverband Gruppen, with 89 people, will be present at the Wertungsplatteln, where D'Oberlandler, Milwaukee are planning to compete in the Gruppen competition and 17 competitors are participating in the Einzelpreisplatteln. The link below shows the participants in each of the two events.
Finally, our judges are Diane Brower, Erech Morrison, and Hansi Mueller. Thanks so much for making the trip and judging so that we can participate in the competition. And good luck to our competitors!
Links: Fest Flyer Participant List