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125 Jahre Trachtenvereine in Bayern

submitted 8March, 2008 by C. Marquardt The Bayerische Trachtenverband will celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Trachtenvereine in Bayern by bringing special attention to the Trachteng'wand. They have created a unique logo and a motto, "Jahr der G'wandkultur" to help publicize this theme throughout 2008. In the center of the logo is the Bavarian Raute in blue, the Fränkischen Rechens in red, and a Trachten hat as a symbol for Tracht and Bavarian G'wand. Around the logo are the words Tracht, Wertvoll, Bodenständig, Zeitlos. (Tracht: valuable, original, timeless).

May 4 the Bayerischen Fernsehen will broadcast a program about the anniversary. June 22 the Oberlandler Gauverband will hold a Dankmesse in Baiernrain at the grave of Lehrer Joseph Vogl, the founder of the first Trachtenverein in Bavaria in Bayrischzell. July 4-7 there will be festivities in Bayrischzell. A Jubiläumswallfahrt will take place in Altötting on Sunday, September 28; 15,000 Trachtler have already registered. The Miesbacher Tracht was chosen as "Tracht of the Year" in Germany.


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