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United German Hungarians bid for 2010 Delegates Meeting

submitted 14March, 2008. At the May 3-4, 2008 Delegates Meeting in St. Paul the United German Hungarians will present a bid to host the 2010 Delgates Meeting at their clubhouse in Oakford, PA. All meetings, workshops and events would take place at the clubhouse which is 2 miles from the Radisson Hotel. The cost for each attendee would be approximately $72.00 - $75.00 which includes all beer and soda for the weekend and breakfast/lunch/dinner on Saturday and breakfast/lunch on Sunday. The ballroom has a stage and can seat up to 350 people. The clubhouse has a large outdoor picnic area with a separate full-service bar pavilion and kitchen. The outdoor stage and large wooden dance floor will provide an alternate ourdoor area for meetings, workshops, gatherings, lunch or just taking a break. The room rate for the Radisson Hotel Philadelphia Northeast: $114.00 per night. The hotel is 26 miles from Philadelphia International Airport, current cost for transporatation $26.00.


In 2010 the United German Hungarians will celebrate 100 years since their founding. They are planning a year long celebration.  

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