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Trachtenverband Bayern's 2024 Seminar Programs

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband has published its list of seminars for 2024. These will be held at the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen throughout the year starting in February. The subjects covered include sewing and crafts (aprons, slips, Mieder-making, purses, embroidery, lacemaking, making a hat box); Vereinsleben (press and communication work, conducting a seminar, Volksmusik-Seminar, Schnalzer course, classes about being a treasurer, secretary, or Vereinsvorstand, "translating" old minutes from various old German handwriting); working with Jugend; and camps for Jugend. The seminars are one-day or a weekend or even longer term (for instance, Mieder-making). Cost depends on the seminar and what is included (meals, overnight stays, etc.).  Pre-registration is a must. The seminars are available to members of Gauverband Nordamerika.

Pamphlet of seminars -- CLICK HERE


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