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Remembering Ingrid Menzinger

It is with sad and heavy hearts that we learned that Ingrid Menzinger died on March 21 at her home in Obermenzing in München.  Ingrid, her husband Hans, and children Vroni and Hansi are members of D’Würmtaler Menzing and own Trachten Pöllmann.  They have been to numerous Gaufeste here in North America and are always working at Trachten Pöllmann.  The family has lost a loving wife and mother who was devoted to them.  The club has lost an irreplaceable member.  The Trachten community has lost a tireless advocate who loved her heritage and lived it every day.  Many have lost a friend that they will never forget because Ingrid was such a kind and giving person.  Ingrid and Hans (and, in the last few years, daughter Vroni) have long been great friends to Gauverband Nordamerika, giving generously of their expertise in all things cultural.  (...more)

Ingrid was Jugendleiterin of her Verein as well as Trachtenwartin and Vereinsmusikantin. She was much beloved by all the children she has taught over the years, and working with young people was her great passion. Her last wish was that in lieu of flowers contributions be made to the youth center at Holzhausen. (Anyone wanting more information on how to contribute may contact either Gauarchivar Michael Olk or Gaupressewart Karin Dean-Kraft.)

We send our deep condolences to Hans, Vroni, and Hans Jr. as well as to the members of D’Würmtaler Menzing.  Ruhe in Frieden, liebe Ingrid.

A tribute is also available at the Bayerischer Trachtenverband website at this link:  Trachtenverband Bayern Article

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