Submitted 24Jan2008 by Mark LaCourse.
Liebe Trachtler und Trachtlerinnen,
Following is the proposal that your dance officers are submitting at the 22.Delegierten Versammlung in St. Paul, MN. Much work has gone into this proposal and we are asking for each Verein in Gauverband Nordamerika to carefully review and consider this proposal.Based on discussions we've had throughout the Gau, the same issue came up repeatedly. The beauty of the dance has diminished. The universal belief is that this is due to our negatively based Preisplattln scoring system. We aggressively researched options to respond to these concerns and we feel we have come up with the solution.
We invite all of you to be a part of this exciting new approach and look forward to your support.
Preisplatteln Proposal 1-5 (MSWord)
Presiplatteln Rules (MSWord)
Gruppen and Einzel Score Sheets (MSWord)