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Bayerischer Trachtenverband Jahrestagung

submitted 08November2010 by C. Marquardt  The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its Jahrestagung (similar to our Delegates' Meeting) on October 9 & 10, 2010 in Wolnzach in der Holledau hosted by the Donaugau. 163 Delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has around 230,000 members in 830 Heimat- und Volkstrachtenvereinen. The two day meeting was conducted by Landesvorsitzenden Otto Dufter. On Saturday evening all attendees were invited to a Volkstanz with music played by the Dellnhauser Musikantedn. Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugue told them, "All visitors should sense that Bayern, Trachten, Volksmusik and Brauchtum simply belong together for us."

In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 


In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its Jahrestagung (similar to our Delegates' Meeting) on October 9 & 10, 2010 in Wolnzach in der Holledau hosted by the Donaugau. 163 Delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has around 230,000 members in 830 Heimat- und Volkstrachtenvereinen. The two day meeting was conducted by Landesvorsitzenden Otto Dufter. On Saturday evening all attendees were invited to a Volkstanz with music played by the Dellnhauser Musikantedn. Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugue told them, "All visitors should sense that Bayern, Trachten, Volksmusik and Brauchtum simply belong together for us."

In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its Jahrestagung (similar to our Delegates' Meeting) on October 9 & 10, 2010 in Wolnzach in der Holledau hosted by the Donaugau. 163 Delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has around 230,000 members in 830 Heimat- und Volkstrachtenvereinen. The two day meeting was conducted by Landesvorsitzenden Otto Dufter. On Saturday evening all attendees were invited to a Volkstanz with music played by the Dellnhauser Musikantedn. Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugue told them, "All visitors should sense that Bayern, Trachten, Volksmusik and Brauchtum simply belong together for us."

In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its Jahrestagung (similar to our Delegates' Meeting) on October 9 & 10, 2010 in Wolnzach in der Holledau hosted by the Donaugau. 163 Delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has around 230,000 members in 830 Heimat- und Volkstrachtenvereinen. The two day meeting was conducted by Landesvorsitzenden Otto Dufter. On Saturday evening all attendees were invited to a Volkstanz with music played by the Dellnhauser Musikantedn. Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugue told them, "All visitors should sense that Bayern, Trachten, Volksmusik and Brauchtum simply belong together for us."

In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its Jahrestagung (similar to our Delegates' Meeting) on October 9 & 10, 2010 in Wolnzach in der Holledau hosted by the Donaugau. 163 Delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has around 230,000 members in 830 Heimat- und Volkstrachtenvereinen. The two day meeting was conducted by Landesvorsitzenden Otto Dufter. On Saturday evening all attendees were invited to a Volkstanz with music played by the Dellnhauser Musikantedn. Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugue told them, "All visitors should sense that Bayern, Trachten, Volksmusik and Brauchtum simply belong together for us."

In 2010 the Donaugau celebrates 85th Gründung anniversary. They also published a new Gauchronik. 

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