submitted 8March2011 by C. MarquardtGauverband Nordamerika is taking applications for Preisplatteln judges. If you would like to be nominated or nominate someone to be considered please click below to print application. Send the completed form to Gauschriftführer Walter Kraft at Two Ashwood Court, Summit, New Jersey 07901
Gauverband Nordamerika, Inc.
Nominee's Verein Information
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
President's Name: ______________________________________________
President's Telephone: __________________________________________
We, the Nominee's Verein, hereby verify that the nominee is a member in good standing of our Verein and has accepted the nomination.
____________________________________ __________________
Nominee Verein President's Signature Date
Nominee's Information
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________
Present Verein: ______________________________ # of Years ________
Previous Verein: _____________________________ # of Years ________
Is the nominee an active dancer with their present Verein? ___________
Describe nominee's judging experience. (Use separate page)
What qualifies the nominee to be a judge? (Use separate page)
RETURN TO: Walter H. Kraft, Gauschriftführer Two Ashwood Court, Summit, New Jersey 07901