First of all, herzlichen Dank to our host Verein, Die Heimat Tänzer of Omaha, Nebraska, for being such outstanding hosts to our meeting. Everything was so well organized and executed, and our hosts could not have been more welcoming. The gorgeous and roomy German American Society clubhouse is perfect for holding meetings, workshops, and hospitality rooms. And if anyone who attended left hungry... well, that would be hard to believe considering how well (quality and quantity) we were fed. Vergelt's Gott, Heimat Tänzer!
Results of some important votes:
Voting for our Gauverband Nordamerika Ausschuss takes place on Sunday morning. Here are those results:
* Yes, we now have a 2. Gauvortänzerin position! With the increased workload that the dance officers have taken on in the last more than a decade, the delegates decided to add this position. Christine Ott was elected to it, leaving her previous position as Gaubeisitzer open. Erik Schwarze (Gemütlichen Schuhplattler, Anaheim) was elected to fill it. After 9 years as Gaubibliothekar, Michael Rase decided not to run for another term. Thank you, Michael, for your good work over the last many years. Stephan Regenfuss (D'Oberlandler Milwaukee) was elected to acquire all the books and papers that the Bibliothekar position brings with it. 1. Gauvorplattler Adam Schaefer decided not to take on another term. Thank you, Adam, for all the work you've put in as 1.Gauvorplattler! The delegates elected Rudy Leschke (formerly 2. GVP) to move up a notch. Matt LaCourse (Edelweiss St. Paul) was elected to the position of 2. Gauvorplattler. Welcome to our new officers, Erik, Matt, Christine, and Stephan.
A big change to the way we judge Einzelpreisplatteln was approved! Starting in 2019 our couples will be judged as individuals. The result will be that we'll have rankings of ladies and rankings of men in each age category. Competitors may dance with another competitor or with a non-competing participant. A person may dance multiple times but will be judged only once.
This change results in needing more judges and needing to train more judges. More judges training also equals an increased budget. Our Gaurevisoren did a lot of work on the budget to find ways to increase revenue. Beginning in 2019, Gau-NA dues will increase; fees for dancing in Preisplatteln will increase; Gauzeitung subscription rates will increase.
Some statistics: 52 member Vereine were present as well as 2 potential member Vereine. A total of over 160 delegates, alternates, and observers made the trip to Omaha.
There is, of course, more to tell. You'll find out about it in the Gauzeitung, in the minutes of the meetings, and when sitting around your Vereinsheim talking to your fellow members. But for right now -- this is an overview of another Delegates Meeting that combined business, workshops, and Kameradschaft.