Submitted 4Feb2008 As we move into 2008, the members of Gemuetlichen Enzianer have been working diligently on fine tuning and advertising our bid for the 23rd Gaufest in 2011. We are very excited about this bid as we feel the Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center ( is an ideal location and facility for the members of the Gauverband Nordamerika. Based on our previous experience and the dedication of our membership, a Gaufest hosted by Gemuetlichen Enzianer at the Gaylord Texan would offer the following:
Over the past few months, the members of Gemuetlichen Enzianer were able to capture various images of the Gaylord Texan as if it were set up for the 2011 Gaufest. Included is the Texas Ballroom set up for 2,600 Gaufest participants. It only takes a little imagination to picture 2,000 Trachtel and Trachtlerinnen on July 4th weekend at the Gaylord Texan in 2011. Images are posted on our photo site at for review and comments. Updates and additional information with regard to the planning of the 2011 Gaufest at the Gaylord Texan will continue to be posted to our web site (, published in the Gauzeitung and posted on the Gauverband website and message board. Photos: Gaylord Texan Resort and members of Gemuetlichen Enzianer committed to a family oriented 23. Gaufest.