submitted 8March, 2008 by C. Marquardt The Bayerische Trachtenverband will celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Trachtenvereine in Bayern by bringing special attention to the Trachteng'wand. They have created a unique logo and a motto, "Jahr der G'wandkultur" to help publicize this theme throughout 2008. In the center of the logo is the Bavarian Raute in blue, the Fränkischen Rechens in red, and a Trachten hat as a symbol for Tracht and Bavarian G'wand. Around the logo are the words Tracht, Wertvoll, Bodenständig, Zeitlos. (Tracht: valuable, original, timeless).
May 4 the Bayerischen Fernsehen will broadcast a program about the anniversary. June 22 the Oberlandler Gauverband will hold a Dankmesse in Baiernrain at the grave of Lehrer Joseph Vogl, the founder of the first Trachtenverein in Bavaria in Bayrischzell. July 4-7 there will be festivities in Bayrischzell. A Jubiläumswallfahrt will take place in Altötting on Sunday, September 28; 15,000 Trachtler have already registered. The Miesbacher Tracht was chosen as "Tracht of the Year" in Germany.