submitted 26 October 2008 by C. Marquardt
Trachtler from America help in Holzhausen for the Haus der Bayerischen Trachtengeschichte and Trachtenkultur. Five Trachtenkameraden from Gauverband Nordamerika traveled to Holzhausen in Niederbayern ready to do some hands-on work. Gauverband Nordamerika has already sent several cash donations to fund the work in Holzhausen, but these Trachtler wanted to be involved personally in the work.
The five Trachtler from USA, along with two trained Zimmerern, (carpenters) accompanied Sepp Kaindl from the Huosigau to spend a day working on the Depot (housing for youth with kitchen and common room). The outside of this building has been completed and work continues on the inside. In the photo Chris, Shawn & Bill Collins, Otto Gorner (all from Denver) and Christine Olk (Omaha).
Photo: Toni Hötzelsperger, Bayerischen Trachtenverband website