Declaration from the Gau Judges Attending the Preisplattler Training Weekend. On July 10-12, the Judging Panel (10) selected for the Gaufest, plus 5 others from the Judges Pool, attended Judges Training in Toledo, in preparation for the upcoming Preisplatteln competitions. These included:
Jürgen Friese, Marlene Fricker, Monika Klein, Walter Kraft, Jeanette Lau, Rudy Leschke, Barb Mayer, Leo Mayer, Erech Morrison, Anny Mueller, Hans Mueller, Lillian Roe, Pam Saratella, Dennis Smith, Waldemar Stoppacher.
Following a detailed question and answer period with Mark LaCourse 1.Gauvorplattler, Richy Nairne 2.Gauvorplattler, and Cindy Hartz, Gauvortänzerin, to clarify procedures and the marking approach, the training session assessed 15 Gruppenpreisplatteln (GP) and 35 Einzelpreisplatteln (EP) live presentations. Over the past six months, CD trial assessments had been also undertaken by all judges, of 14 GP and 60 EP presentations.
All the Judges are pleased to report that the new scoring system is flexible, adaptable, and easy to use. They are encouraged by its simplicity, and confident in its ability to provide focussed feedback to Vereine and Couples at the upcoming Gaufest.
The Judges thank the three Gau Dance Officers for organizing the training, and wish to recognize the untiring efforts of Andrew Beevis, Gaufest Chairman, and members of the BSC Holzhacker Buam Toledo for their warm and generous hospitality over the weekend. Trachtler teams for the judging were provided by Holzhacker Buam Toledo, Almrausch Altoona, and STV Bavaria Cleveland.
Submitted by: Erech Morrison
(on behalf of all 14 Judges)