Unless otherwise noted, the support, services, and events on this list are open/available to Gauverband member Vereine and their members and, in many cases, to non-members who are interested. Please inquire. This list is meant to give the reader some background, where to look for more details, or suggestions of other sources of information. For suggestions about additions or changes to this list, please contact Karin Dean-Kraft.
Address Changes: Address changes for official Gauverband correspondence (minutes, meetings, Gaufest mailings) go to the Gau-Schriftfuehrer (whkraft@comcast.net). Address changes for "Gauzeitung" subscriptions go to the Gau-Pressewart (gauzeitung@yahoo.com).
Anthems, Playing: The order in which National and other anthems should be played can be found in the Gauverband Bylaws and Rules, on-line. Flag etiquette is also outlined.
Bayerischer Foerderverein: The Foerderverein is an organization formed by the Bayerischer Trachtenverband to find and maintain a suitable property to house its archives and, eventually, grow into a museum of culture, Tracht, and tradition. Individual and Verein memberships are available. Contact Michael Olk, Gaubeisitzer, for more information.
Bayerischer Loewe: literally, Bavarian lion. A yearly competition held in Bavaria since 2002 that brings together the top two Schuhplattler groups and top three couples from several Gaue to compete against one another. In 2003, Gauverband Nordamerika was one of the Gaue invited to take part. The winner takes home the Wanderpreis, a porcelain Bavarian lion. See news articles on-line and in the "Gauzeitung."
Bayerischer Trachtenverband: The Bayerischer Trachtenverband is the umbrella organization that oversees the 24 regional Gauverbaende in Bavaria. The Trachtenverband issues a twice monthly newsletter (see Heimat- und Trachtenbote in this list) and has an extensive website through which the regional Gauverbaende can also be accessed. The website is www.trachtenverband-bayern.de and is also under "Links" on the Gauverband's website. The Trachtenverband publishes a Trachtenkalender, a pocket size reference list with information about every Trachtenverein in Bavaria. Contact the Gau Bibliothekar for information.
Bibliothek (Library): See Library in this list.
Brauchtum (Customs): Many Bavarian customs are described on-line. The "Gauzeitung" also describes many customs; consult the index to the "Gauzeitung" (on-line under Publications, Gauzeitung). See also "Workshops" in this list.
Bylaws and Rules of the Gauverband: The Bylaws are available on-line under "About Us, Bylaws." Bylaws are also mailed to the member Vereine and published in the Trachtenkalendar.
Calendar of Events: Available on-line under "Kalender." This list shows many of the events that Vereine have planned. If you're looking for events by specific Verein or area, also go to the Member Vereine link and look at individual Vereine. Information about events hosted by the Gauverband (Gaufest, Delegates Meetings, and Ausschuss Meetings) is available on-line. The "Kalender" has a link to Gaufeste being held in Bayern. To add your Verein's event(s) to the calendar, send an e-mail to the Webmaster.
Committees: The Gauverband has several standing committees within the Board. Committees and chairs are listed on the Gauverband website; duties are described in the Bylaws. The Committees include Bylaws, Flag, Website, and Meetings/Events.
Credentials Committee: At each Delegates Meeting, the Credentials Committee collects the registration fees and checks the forms submitted by the Verein to authorize the Delegates, Alternates, and Observers to the meeting. More information is available in the Gauverband Bylaws. The form is mailed to the Vereine before the meeting and is available on-line under "About Us, Forms."
Dance: Only Gauverband members may participate in the Gruppenpreisplatteln, Einzelpreisplatteln (16 and over), and Jugendeinzelplatteln (15 and younger) events at the biennial Gaufest. Rules and entry forms are available on-line; look under "Dance." Consult the dance officers for questions specific to Gruppen- or Einzelpreisplatteln; consult the Jugendvertreterin for questions about Jugendeinzelplatteln. On the Gauverband website, see "About Us, Preisplatteln" and "Dance, Preisplatteln Results" for winners of previous competitions.
Dance Instruction: Much dance information is also available on-line at "Dance, Instruction"; in articles in the on-line Library (Library, On-Line); or through the Gauverband Library (consult the Library Index or the Gau-Bibliothekar). Consult the dance officers for advice on dance in general (Schuhplattler, Volkstanz, Trachtentaenze); consult the Jugendvertreterin for advice on dancing for youth. See also "Workshops" in this list.
Dance Officers: a term used to refer to the Gauverband's 1. Vorplattler, 2. Vorplattler, and Vortaenzerin.
Delegates Meeting: held in even-numbered years; the host Verein varies. The weekend meeting covers administrative/business and Preisplatteln matters of the Gauverband and includes workshops and other learning experiences. On-line information is available under "Meetings" and in the Gauverband Bylaws. The host Verein (varies each meeting) sends out registration/lodging information a few months prior to the meeting. The Gau-Schriftfuehrer requests agenda items prior to the meeting; the agenda is mailed about 6 weeks before the meeting to member Vereine.
Dues: Dues are collected yearly. The Gau-Kassier sends dues notices to the member Vereine.
Einzelpreisplatteln: literally, singles prize dancing. Refers to the couples-only Schuhplattler competition for those 16 and older (members only) held at Gaufeste. See "Dance" in this list.
Etiquette: available on-line. Topics include: What to expect at a Bavarian Gaufest. Hat Etiquette. Look under "Library, On-Line" for articles; the Tracht Guidelines (on-line under "Tracht") also has etiquette guidelines. For gift-giving etiquette at Gaufeste or flag etiquette, look in the Gauverband Bylaws, available on-line.
Fahne (Flag) - Buying: links to businesses in Bayern that make flags and banners for Vereine are available on-line under "Links." Also, consult Vereine that already have a flag or any of the Gauverband officers for more information. (See also Fahne Gauverband in this list.)
Fahne (Flag) - Care: available on-line. Look under "Library, On-Line" for some storage, travel, and cleaning tips. Consult Vereine that have a flag. (See Fahne Gauverband in this list.)
Fahne (Flag) -- Gauverband: The flag that represents Gauverband Nordamerika. The Gauverband Bylaws describe for what events and under what circumstances the Gauverband Fahne is available to member Vereine.
Fahnenweihe: literally "flag blessing," the church ceremony and celebration held to bless the new flag of a Verein. The Gauverband Library has some information on how to conduct a Fahnenweihe (see Library Index). The "Gauzeitung" has also featured articles about Fahnenweihe held by Vereine. Contact Vereine that have held Fahnenweihen. (See also Fahne Gauverband in this list.)
Gaufest - Bavaria: Nearly every Gauverband in Bavaria has a Gaufest each year. The Gauverband's website has a link to the Bayerischer Trachtenverband's calendar under "Kalender"
Gaufest - Coins - The Gauverband does not issue any commemorative coins of the Gaufest. However, a private entrepreneur (Ralph Ehmann, a member of Bayern Verein Newark) does offer commemorative coins and sells them as a vendor at Gaufeste and by mail.
Gaufest - Merchandise -- Each Gaufest host sells a variety of commemorative merchandise such as T-shirts, beer steins, pins. Contact the host Verein of the Gaufest in question if you're interested in purchasing items.
Gaufest - North America: A three-day biennial gathering of the Gauverband Nordamerika held in odd-numbered years; host Verein varies. Typical events include Heimatabend (performances of traditional song, dance, and music), Mundartmesse (traditional church service done in Bavarian dialect), Welcome and Farewell Dances, Festabend (Saturday banquet), Ehrentaenze (honor dances), Festzug (parade), Festtag (Sunday festival), Preisplatteln (prize dancing), Jugendeinzelplatteln (children's single-couple dancing), Workshops, and socializing. On-line information is available under "Gaufeste" and by contacting the host Verein. Several mailings are done by the host Verein beginning about 5-6 months before the Gaufest.
Gauplattler: The Gauverband's official Plattler, the music and choreography were especially done by and for the Gauverband Nordamerika. Instructions and sheet music for the dance are available on-line or from the Gau Bibliothekar. This dance is one that every Verein in Gauverband Nordamerika should know so that their dancers can have at least one dance in common for a Massenplattler. The dance is reviewed during dance workshops at each Delegates Meeting and Gaufest. Note: The generic name "Gauplattler" is also used to indicate the official Plattler for each of the many Gaue in Bavaria.
Gauverband Chronik: The history of the Gauverband Nordamerika was published in 1992 to commemorate the Gauverband's 25th anniversary. Copies of the book are still available through the Gau Bibliothekar. For more information about the contents of the Chronik, look on-line under "Publications." Chroniks of several of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband Gauverbaende are in the library and available to view. Some are still available to buy; consult the Gau Bibliothekar.
Gauverband Pins: The 2" diameter silver pin with blue and white fringe is worn on a Trachtenhut or on the man's Joppe (jacket). Pins are available from the Gauverband Bibliothekar
Gauzeitung: the newsletter of the Gauverband. Published ten times each year, it is available as an individual subscription or for a reduced rate as a group subscription (5 or more copies). Available to members and non-members. Articles include events of Gau-Vereine, Gaufeste, Gauverband meetings, educational articles on dance, Tracht, customs. An index, updated yearly, to all the issues is available on-line under "Publications, Gauzeitung" or from the Gau Bibliothekar. A book of all issues from the first ten years is available from the Pressewart. Some back issues are available. For subscription information, contact the Gau Pressewart. Information on submitting articles can be found on-line at "Publications, Gauzeitung" or contact the Gau Pressewart.
Gruppenpreisplatteln: literally, group prize dancing; refers to the Schuhplattler competition for 4-6 couples belonging to a member Verein held at Gaufeste. See "Dance" in this list. See "About Us, Preisplatteln" and "Dancing, Preisplatteln Results" on the Gauverband's website.
Heimat- und Trachtenbote: the HTB is the twice-monthly publication of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband. Each German-language issue is 16 pages with articles on traditions and news and photos about the umbrella organization and the 24 Gauverbaende in Bavaria. For subscription information, consult the Gau Pressewart or go to www.trachtenverband-bayern.de.
Jugendecke: literally, youth corner. A part of the "Gauzeitung" and the Gauverband's website set aside for articles about happenings that are specifically geared towards children within the Gau. Children are encouraged to write their own articles. For more information, consult the Jugendvertreterin.
Jugendeinzelplatteln: literally, youth singles dancing. Refers to the couples-only Schuhplattler exhibition for children 15 and under (members only) held at Gaufeste. Regional Jugendeinzelplatteln events are also held in, for instance, the Midwest, Niagara region, and mid-Atlantic region; reports of these events can be found in the "Gauzeitung." See "Dance" in this list. Consult the Jugendvertreterin.
Landesverein fuer Heimatpflege: an organization in Bavaria which works to preserve Bavarian tradition, music, Tracht, culture, museums, and buildings. The organization publishes numerous books, pamphlets, sheet music (much of which is available on-line), and music CDs as well as a newsletter. Separate from the Trachtenverband Bayern. The Gauverband's website has a link, or go to www.heimat-bayern.de.
Language: A list of frequently used German and Bavarian words and phrases and their English equivalents that apply to Trachtler is available on-line. Go to "Library, On-Line." A list of dance terms German-English is also available in the On-Line Library.
Library (Bibliothek): the Gauverband Library contains instructions and sheet music for many Schuhplattler and Volkstaenze; music for Volksmusik (instrumental and song); some videos and CDs; Tracht information. The library index (over 3000 entries), ordering information for mail orders, and some articles are available on-line or contact the Gaubibliothekar. At each Gaufest and Delegates Meeting, the Bibliothekar brings along a portion of the library and sets up a room which is open during limited hours or by appointment.
Mailing List/Labels: if your Verein is planning a big event such as a Fahnenweihe, Anniversary, or Gaufest and wants to invite the entire Gauverband membership, the Gau-Schriftfuehrer can provide you with mailing labels/list. The labels include member Vereine and Gauverband officers. The Schriftfuehrer can also help you with a email mailing. Contact him directly.
Meistpreis: literally, most prize. A prize awarded to the member Verein that attended the Gaufest with the most people. Complete rules governing this prize are in the Gauverband Bylaws.
Membership: The membership application and qualifications for becoming a club to become a Gauverband member are available on-line under "About Us, Membership" or through the Gau Schriftfuehrer.
Music: consult the Gaumusikwart for advice on instruments and instrumentation, voice, Volksmusik, Volkslieder, music for Schuhplattler and Volkstanz, religious music, and music for Mundartmesse. Recommended music is then available through the Gauverband Library. For sheet music for dances, see "Library" in this list. See Landesverein fuer Heimatpflege in this list.
Officers: A list of Gauverband officers and their e-mail addresses is available on-line under "About Us, Officers." Home mailing addresses are in the Trachtenkalendar.
Preisplatteln Rules: see "Dance" in this list.
Tiroler Landes Trachtenverband: an umbrella organization of Trachtenvereine in Tirol, Austria. The Verband publishes a newsletter called "Trachtler." A link to the website is found on the Gauverband's website or go to www.landestrachtenverband.at.
Tracht - Buying: numerous links to stores are available on-line under "Links" or see the "Gauzeitung" and "Heimat- und Trachtenbote" for stores that advertise. Consult Gauverband officers, especially the dance officers and Pressewart, for advice. Consult with other Vereine. Several vendors set up shops at the biennial Gaufest; these shops also advertise in the "Gauzeitung."
Tracht - Information & Care of: consult the Tracht Guidelines (on-line or through Library). Consult the Gau-Library (on-line or through the Gaubibliothekarin). Gauverband officers, especially the dance officers and Pressewart, can also be consulted.
Trachtenbuch: a "book" maintained by the Gau-Bibliothekar with the application photo of each member Verein as well as updated photos submitted since the member's admission. The digital Trachtenbuch is available on CD from the Bibliothekar. Vereine can send updated photos to the Bibliothekar at any time for incorporation in the next update.
Trachtenkalendar: this handy pocket book lists the addresses and phone numbers of the Gauverband officers as well as the Gauverband's member Vereine. The book is updated and published every two years. Each "Gauzeitung" subscriber receives one; also available from the Gaupressewart. (See also Bayerischer Trachtenverband for the Trachtenkalendar from that organization.)
Wanderpreis: literally, wandering prize. Refers to the beautiful wood carving of a dancing couple in Tracht that is awarded to the first place group in Gruppenpreisplatteln at the Gaufest. The winner keeps the carving until the next Gaufest. More information on the Gauverband's Wanderpreis is available in the Gauverband Bylaws. See also the photo on the Gauverband's website under "About Us, Preisplatteln."
Website: The Gauverband Nordamerika's official website is at www.gauverband.com. From there, a wealth of information is available as well as links to member Vereine and the Bayerischer Trachtenverband
Weitpreis: literally, distance prize. A trophy awarded to the member Verein that has traveled the farthest distance to the Gaufest and danced an Ehrentanz with at least four couples. The trophy stays in the Verein's possession until the next Gaufest. More information about the Weitpreis can be found in the Gauverband Bylaws.
Workshops: workshops on dance, Tracht, music, games, crafts, traditions, and more are held at Delegates Meetings and Gaufeste. Some Gauverband officers are willing to travel to your Verein to conduct workshops. Contact Gauverband officers if you are interested in having a workshop for your Verein. Arrangements can be made directly with the officer. Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with others; want to propose a workshop? Contact the Gauvorstand to propose and/or conduct a workshop.
Youth: Consult the Jugendvertreterin for advice on working with the young people in your Verein."