Submitted 5October 2008 Here's a link to an article about our Gau bestowing a gift on the Trachtenverband Bayern for their 125th anniversary. Walter Wieand, our Gau Ehrenvorstand, represented us in Bayern at the Wallfahrt in Altötting. While there, he presented the Trachtenverband with a plaque to commemorate the many years of friendship between our Gauverband and our Trachtenfreunde in Bayern. You may recognize Bayerns Trachtenvorsitzenden Otto Dufter and Zweiter Vorsitzender Max Bertl, both of whom have celebrated Gaufeste here in North America with us. Read article.
The second article is about the Oct. 3, 2008, dedication of the Pfarrhaus building at the Haus der bayerischen Trachtenkultur und Trachtengeschichte in Holzhausen. Gau-Archivar Michael Olk & Gau-Beisitzer Carolyn Marquardt represented us there and are mentioned in the article. They will be writing an article and bringing back pictures of the event. Read article.
The Trachtenverband Bayern's website is always an interesting place to read about Brauchtum in Bayern and to see beautiful photos. Go to to keep informed.
photo: Toni Hötzelsperger