New content has been added to the website! Under Resources/Jugend -- the handout from the excellent workshop taught by Vroni Menzinger at the 2011 Gaufest has been added. Vroni is Gaujugendleiterin of the Huosigau Gauverband in Bayern. She taught a workshop on how to conduct a youth practice. Included in the workshop were tips for a successful practice and three fun game dances to do with young people (although the adults enjoyed it just as much!). Vroni also taught the dance "Siebenschritt," and those instructions can be found under "Dance Instructions." The other excellent content is a Handbook on the duties of a Fahnenträger. Carolyn Marquardt translated the handbook that was developed jointly by Fahnen Eibl and the Isargau Gauverband. It's an excellent reference for anyone whose privilege within the Verein is to carry the beautiful Vereinsfahne. Scroll down to the bottom of any page and you'll see the handbook under the "Books" heading.