The Bayerischer Trachtenverband has published a newsletter for 89 years. Today's Heimat- und Trachtenbote is published twice a month, 16 pages each issue. Every one of the Gauverbände has its own Pressewart under the leadership of the Trachtenverband's Press Committee. For the last year, a committee has been working on a complete revamp of the newsletter to introduce in January 2022. The first two issues have been published and the fresh new streamlined look and friendly feel are almost startling (in the best way possible)! The committee deserves a hearty Vergelt's Gott for their successful efforts. Here is a link to the first issue so you can see for yourself how interesting the HTB is. LINK TO ISSUE #1 2021
If anyone is interested in subscribing, please contact me. I collect the money from most of the U.S. subscribers and transfer it as a lump sum. The cost per year is $90 US -- most of that is to cover the high cost of postage.