submitted 17December2009 by C. Marquardt December 9, 2009
Ingrid Menzinger, D' Würmtaler Verein, Obermenzing received "Das Ehrenzeichen des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten" from Hep Monatzeder, the mayor of the Landeshauptstadt München, for her accomplishments. Ingrid has worked with children for 22 years teaching them traditions, folkdances, and folksongs while accompanying them on her steirische Ziehharmonika. She teaches them to wear their Tracht correctly and to wear it with pride. She is much loved by the children and their parents. She takes the teaching of traditions outside the Verein also to Kindergartens. For many years Ingrid has collected Trachten hats and bonnets and organized them into a travelling exhibition called "Haube und Hut". Ingrid organizes the bi-monthly Vereinsabende and is recognized as the "Seele des Vereins" (soul of the club). She certainly has earned this award!