Bayerischer Rundfunk radio reporter Barbara Leidl did a wonderful job of putting together a report about Bavarians in North America. She spent time with the Alt Washingtonia Verein in Washington, D.C., and also attended our Gaufest in Milwaukee. While in Milwaukee, she captured the atmosphere of our Gaufest as well as the love we all have of Bavarian traditions and Tracht. There are interviews with many N.A. Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen at the Gaufest and in D.C., with Tom Vogt when he attended the Einweihung in Holzhausen, and with Vroni Menzinger at Trachten Pöllmann. You can also hear Adam Levine leading the Wirtshauslieder workshop, and Mike Wolz talks about the Schafkopf Tournament. Throughout the 53-minute program, you can hear the sounds of music and dance in the background. It’s a terrific program and Gau-NA can be very proud of itself for representing Bayern in such a positive and traditional way. The links below take you to the radio program itself (broadcast on 8/30/2015 at noon on Bayern 2), an article with pictures that gives some background about Gau-NA, and the link to the radio program if you’d like to download it. Vergelt’s Gott, Barbara and colleagues, for the delightful program!