Submitted by Karin Dean-Kraft, Gaupressewart, updated Dec. 7.
Would you like to subscribe to the Gauzeitung? Or perhaps give a subscription as a gift? Cost is $15/year for an individual subscription sent directly to your home (this is open to those who don't belong to a member club). Vereine pay $10/year per subscription to have the issues mailed in bulk to them (minimum of 5). Check with your Verein. What do you get for your money? 10 issues per year, 8 pages per issue. News about Vereine and its members; reports about the Gauverband and the Trachtenverband in Bayern; and educational articles on Tracht, Brauchtum, language, songs, music, and dance. Lots of pictures, too! A great value for the price! Send an e-mail to "Gauzeitung @"
The Christmas issue is going to press this week -- 24 pages of beautiful holiday greetings as well as news from around the Gau.