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Gauverband Nordamerika at Munich Oktoberfest

On September 21, 2014 more than 9,000 Trachtler, Musikanten and Schützen marched in the Trachten- und Schützenumzug through Munich to the Wiesn - the Oktoberfest grounds. This year, for the first time, almost 300 Trachtler from Gauverband Nordamerika also marched in the 7 kilometer parade.  The reasons for the invitation to participate were the 100th Anniversary of Edelweiss, Chicago and the 50th Anniversary of Gauverband Nordamerika. Leading "block 26" was the Trommlerzug Huglfing.

Matt LaCourse carried the new Gautafel created by Dennis Hoshield.  He was followed by Bob Hugel carrying the Gaufahne. The Vereinsfahne were, in order of founding date, Edelweiss Chicago (1914), Schlierachtaler Stamm (1928), Oberlandler Milwaukee (1928), Bayern Verein Newark (1930), Enzian Seattle (1965, HSV Bavaria, Connecticut (1966), Gemütlichen Schuhplattler, Anaheim, CA (1971), UGH, Pennsylvania (1976) and Alpine Dancers, Texas (1986).  Gauverband Nordamerika also had four flower decorated carriages. In the first carriage were Tom Vogt, 1.Gauvorstand, Walter Wieand, Ehrengauvorstand and John Schaefer, Ehemalige Gauvorstand and his wife Carol.  The carriage was followed by the Trachtlerinnen of Gauverband Nordamerika, in an eye-pleasing rainbow of colors of aprons, skirts and shawls. In the second carriage were Jerry and Marie Hugel, Peggy and Hansi Mueller.  Blaskapelle Hohenfurch marched and played between carriage two and three.  In carriage three were Fred and Sharon Walker, Rita Dziersk and Madeline Ulrich.  The Trachtler marched next, six across, arranged according to their hat decoration.  The fourth carriage contained Jennifer Moak, Ursula Balthasar, Chris Neely, Nicole Neely and Sasha Malofiy.

Thanks to Jennifer Moak and others for the photos.


Article/photos by Hans Menzinger on Bayerischen Trachtenverband website

Interview on BR with Tom Vogt, Rudy and Cathy Lescke

BR Broadcast: Amis und Ihre liebe zu Bayern

YouTube video: Gauverband Nordamerika in Trachtenumzug

YouTube video: Gauverband Nordamerika Trachtler march into Oide Wiesn Traditionszelt

Samerberger Nachrichten: Gauverband Nordamerika auf der Wiesn (Anton Hötzelsperger)

BR Website:  Photos and links to videos of the parade

YouTube videos by Dan Ott: Parade video 1  Parade video 2   Entering Oide Wiesn 1   Entering Oide Wiesn 2  

Dancing video 1   Dancing video 2   Dancing video 3


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