Gaujugendvertreterin Diane Meck has put together a terrific opportunity for the Gauverband's youth who will be in 7th-12th grade in the 2017-18 school year. The trip, July 11-24, 2018, includes a combination of tourist sites in Bavaria and Tirol and events that are of special interest to Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen such as a Vereinsabend, a trip to Holzhausen, and a Gaufest. The link below takes you to a presentation that includes a one-page summary, a "Bavaria" brochure from the tour company, and a detailed description of the trip, how to enroll, payment plans, lodging, travel arrangements, tour leaders, and so much more. A link to the PowerPoint of the third part of the presentation is shown for those who might want to use it. Any questions should be directed to Diane -- contact info is in the one-page summary. You can view, print, or download from the links.
Link to Complete Information (pdf - one-page summary, tour company brochure, detailed description) Link to PowerPoint Presentation
Or -- go to Jugend Page