Submitted 08 May 2006 - The biennial Delegates Meeting of Gauverband Nordamerika was hosted by STV Bavaria Cleveland at their beautiful Vereinsheim in a Cleveland suburb. A "Vergelt's Gott" goes out to STV Bavaria for being such wonderful hosts!
A more detailed report of events will be included in the next "Gauzeitung." In the meantime, here are the results of elections and selections. Board members who are completely new to the board (as opposed to those who changed jobs) are marked with an asterisk.
1. Gauvorstand - Thomas Vogt
2. Gauvorstand - Ken Ott
Gauschriftfuehrer - Walter Kraft
Gaukassier - John Blank
1. Gauvorplattler - Mark LaCourse
2. Gauvorplattler - Richard Nairne*
Gauvortaenzerin - Cindy Hartz
Gauarchivar - Michael Olk
Gaubibliothekar - Karin Dean-Kraft
Gaubeisitzer -
Paul Ulrich
Carolyn Marquardt
John Schaefer
Robin Pritz*
Gaurevisoren -
Erech Morrison
Paul Stanavage
Joe Hubner
Robert Hugel*
Gaujugendvertreterin - Heidi von Recklinghausen
Gaumusikwart - Richard Michels
Gaupressewart (appointed) - Wilhelm Banzhaf
* indicates a new board member
Congratulations to all the board members.
The Holzhackerbuam Schuhplattler in Toledo, Ohio, will be hosting the Gaufest in 2009 - either the first or second weekend in August (exact date to be announced shortly). The 2008 Delegates meeting will be hosted by Edelweiss St. Paul, Minnesota. Congratulations to both Vereine on your presentations and selections!!