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Gau Trachten Kalender information needed



new submitted 04October2010 by Walter Kraft, Gauschriftführer 

Two Ashwood Court
Summit, New Jersey 07901


To Vereine who have not submitted their Trachten Kalender information.

My records indicate that you are one of the following Vereine who have not submitted your Trachten Kalender information.

A.S.T.E.V. Edelweiss

B.G.T.E.V. Minnesota Schuhplattler

B.G.T.E.V. D' Rio Grande Taler

Bayern Verein Newark

B.G.T.V. D'Lustigen Holzhacker Buam

Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler

Concordia Enzian Schuhplattler

Die Bergvagabunden Schuhplattler

Edelweiss Alpine Dancers

G.T.E.V. Alpenland

G.T.E.V. Chiemgau Windsor

G.T.E.V. D'Chiemgauer of Winnepeg

G.T.V. Immergruen

Germania Schuhplattler und Trachten Verein

Gulf Coast Enzianer S.V.

Heimat Taenzer of the German-American Society

S.G.T.E.V. Hirschjaeger

S.V, Blautaler

Schuhplattler Verein-Enzian

The Boys and Girls from the Austrian Alps

Tiroler U. Bayern Zither Club


Please return your information on the attached form before 31Oct10 to have updated information included in this year's edition. We go to press on 01Nov10. Thanks for your help.

Mit Trachten Gruss

Walter H. Kraft

click "read more" for form to fill out and send


Information for the Trachten Kalender


Club Name _________________________________________________________________


Lokal (Name, Address, Phone)_________________________________________________




Website _____________________________________________________________________


e-mail ______________________________________________________________________


Club Mailing Address ________________________________________________________




Vorstand Name, Address, Telephone, e-mail





Vorplattler Name, Address, Telephone, e-mail






Proben (days, time) ___________________________________________________________


Meetings (days, time) __________________________________________________________


Festivals _____________________________________________________________________




Ehren President ______________________________________________________________


Ehren Vorplattler _____________________________________________________________



Return form to Walter H. Kraft, Schriftführer, by mail to Two Ashwood Court, Summit, N.J. 07901 or by email . 




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