The November 2019 Gauzeitung has a great article in it about the 15 ladies in Gau-NA who took a Mieder making class from Bavarian master seamstress Annamirl Raab. The class was coordinated by Karin Schwab and Liz Hostetter and held the week before the Gaufest. Many of the ladies were able to premiere their beautiful new Mieders at the Gaufest. Everyone loved working with Annamirl -- she's been well known here for many years for her one-of-a-kind Mieders. Several Gau-NA ladies have travelled to Schliersee over the years to take lessons from Annamirl.
This week an article appeared on the Bayerischer Trachtenverband's website about the class. Here's the link to it.
Added 11/6/2019: The Heimat- und Trachtenbote put the article on its front page. Here's the link to see the page.
Added 11/6/2019: The Samerberger Nachrichten also used the article, along with many more photos. Here's the link to that article.
The November Gauzeitung will be in the mail shortly!