Results from the Bayerischer Löwe are in! Full results of the competition are now available at this LINK (added on 7/31 from Rudy Leschke).
Group: SVEV D’Oberlandler Milwaukee – 9th
In the 14-16 age group:
Caleb Weber, 14th
T J Jenssen, 3rd
Aana Rase, 2nd
In the 17-34 age group:
Josh Meck, 31st
Andy Tschermak, 6th
Stefanie Williams, 7th
Matt LaCourse 7th
Becca Sauter, 23rd
In the 35-49 age group:
Fritz Sheffler, 9th
Maria Rase, 5th
Cindy Hartz, 11th
Michael Rase, 10th
In the Honors age group:
Heidi Tschermak, 1st!!!!
Erech Morrison, 7th
Ingeborg Henn, 4th
Don LaCourse, 1st!!!!
Dennis Smith, 5th