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Bylaws Updated for 501(c)(3) Application

Submitted 11 November 2008 by K. Dean-Kraft. At the 2008 Delegates Meeting, the delegates approved that the Gau should go forward with seeking IRS 501(c)(3) status.This status will allow the Gau to accept contributions and donations that will be tax deductible for the giver as well as to apply for grants that are available only to 501(c)(3) organizations.To this end, some clarifications were necessary to the Bylaws; the delegates approved that the Ausschuss could accomplish these changes after the meeting.The changes have been made and the updated Bylaws are now on the website under About Us/Bylaws.Here is the summary of what changed:


- Added the English translation/equivalent in parentheses for German words the first time the German appears in the text.

- Added an "Appendix" with an alphabetical list of the German words & their English equivalents.

- Changed the Fiscal year to be same as a calendar year.

- Added Art. III-B-9 -- no one gets financial benefit from the Gau.

- Deleted the reference to the Flag Committee under the Treasurer's duty descriptions.

- Added references to education where appropriate – Vorplattler, Vortänzerin, Jugendvertreter, Bibliothekar, Musikwart, Pressewart.

- Ehemalige Gauvorstand (Immediate Past President): The outgoing 1.Gauvorstand shall assume the role of elder statesman and perform such duties as are consistent with the laws of the Gauverband for one term only (2 years). The Ehemalige Gauvorstand may not vote.

- Added the fact that this officer cannot vote. Also added the words "the outgoing 1.Gauvorstand". Previous wording simply began with "shall" and the added words add some clarity.

- Separated the Bylaws completely from the Operating Rules, PP Rules, Guidelines. Bylaws are in a separate Word document so that they can be submitted by themselves with the 501(c)(3) application.

- Added references to IRC section 501c3 where needed.

- Added the number of Vereine that is the minimum required. "If the Gauverband does not have sufficient member Vereine (minimum of 10) to elect the Gauausschuß, it shall cease to exist."


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