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Bezirksmedaille for Ingrid and Hans Menzinger

submitted 22October2008 by C. Marquardt On October 13, 2008 Ingrid and Hans Menzinger were presented with the 2008 Bezirksmedaille for "Kultur und Heimatpflege". Beginning in 1990 the Bezirk Oberbayern has honored citizens of Oberbayern who have shown extraordinary commitment.

Bezirkstagspräsident Franz Jungwirth gave the presentation in the Plenarsaal of the Bezirks Oberbayern in Munich. He began with a question, "Was bedeutet der Begriff 'Heimat' für Sie, meine Damen und Herren? (What does the concept of home mean to you?) For some it is the family, friendship or a certain landscape, for others it is music, smells or memories. Most associate Heimat to a special place that means security and belonging. Today Heimat is again in demand. Because in the era of globalization, people yearn for something to hold on to.

In Obermenzing, the home of Ingrid and Hans Menzinger, customs, costume,

dialect and folkmusic have a high priority and that is mainly thanks to the Menzingers. In 1978 the population of Obermenzing began to grow rapidly and tradition and local culture were forgotten. Hans Menzinger would not accept this development so with freinds he founded theVolkstrachtenverein "D'Würmtaler" Menzing e.V. He revived the traditional Böllerschützengruppe, started the "Würmtaler Volksmusik" and made contact with other regional and international Trachtenvereinen. The feeling of togetherness began to grow and in 1982 Hans initiated "Obermenzing Festtagen" which included 1,500 participants and about 10,000 visitors. I would like to say we got to know Hans Menzinger as a man who gave new life to things that have been forgotten. Hans negotiated for years with the state and collected 200,000 DM to buy the 18th century historical 'Carl Häusl' and gathered volunteers to restore it. Since 1998 it has been the Vereinsheim of D'Würmtaler and is also used for other events.

One can be proud of such a "Schmuckstück" and this applies to the colorful Obermenzinger Trachten as well. Tracht is close to the heart of Ingrid Menzinger. The collection "Haube und Hut"which they put together over the years, is a beautiful and well documented display. Even more important is the value of her experience in sharing her knowledge of tradition with children. And Ingrid Menzinger knows what children like: she dances and sings with them, teaches them Plätzchenbacken (cookies) and instructs them in the old tradition of Palmbuschenbinden. The old saying "behind every good man is a good woman" fits the Menzingers. She is always present at events and Vereinsabenden, rehearsals and performances. Ingrid Menzinger is, I think, a "Würmtaler einmal" - the soul of the Verein.

Both of you, Herr und Frau Menzinger, maintain a valuable piece of Bavarian cultural life and keep it alive. Many people can thank you for giving them concrete images, sounds, and experiences for the abstract concept of "Heimat". For this we thank you very warmly today.

At the end of his Laudatio, he presented the Urkunde and Bezirksmedaille as well as a flower bouquet. Hans thanked them and together with accompanying members of D'Würmtaler (Angie and Oliver Bohrman, Vroni und Hansi Menzinger, Katja Still, Horst Köhler, Ursula und Adolf Thurner) ended with their Vereinspruch:

"Würmtaler Deandl und Buam - boarisch san ma jederzeit, - weil uns des halt allweil gfreit - s'Heimatland, s'Bayernland - und dazua a saubers Gwand - ob drobn am Berg, ob drin im Woid - des is des, was uns so gfroid - in unserm Wahlspruch sag mas auf - treu dem guaten alten Brauch - mia, d'Würmtaler Deandl und Buam.

"Congratulations Ingrid and Hans!!

Translated from Bayerischer Trachtenverband website, C. Marquardt 

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