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Bayerns Trachtler form partnership with Gauverband Nordamerika!

submitted 29September2009 by C. Marquardt  

Landsberg am Lech - The Bayerische Trachtenverband, which includes 880 Heimat- and Volkstrachtenvereine made up of 168,622 members in 23 Gauverbände has entered a partnership with Gauverband Nordamerika. At this years annual Landesversammlung in Landsberg the friendship was made official. Landesvorsitzender Otto Dufter from Unterwössen explained to the delegates and guests in the Landsberger Sportzentrum, that the Trachtler in North America uphold and preserve the Bavarian traditions. The proof that these are not just empty words was brought to the meeting in Landsberg by 1. Gauvorstand Thomas Vogt, GTEV "Alpenrösl" Ontario, Canada who was accompanied by Ehrengauvorstand Walter Wieand from Trachtenverein "Edelweiß" New York and Gauarchivar Michael Olk from Omaha, Nebraska. In their luggage they brought a donation for the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen in the amount of $13,200. They also brought a flag from the Trachtenveren Edelweiß Buffalo with Totenbänder to be preserved in the museum in Holzhausen. This flag was made in Munich in 1935.

Gauvorstand Tom Vogt said, that it is an honor for him and his delegation as well as all Trachtler in North America to have preserved Schuhplattler and Bavarian tradition for 100 years and to have visited Trachtler in Bayern and formed friendships for the past 50 years. These friendships resulted in this official partnership which was sealed in Landsberg with the exchange of gifts and Urkunden. "After much contact at our Gaufeste, and our participation in the Bayerische Löwe and after many efforts by Sepp Kaindl, Gauvorstand of the Huosigau, we feel we carry the same culture in our hearts," said Gauvorstand Tom Vogt. This was received with a standing ovation. To complete their visit in Bayern Tom, Walter and Michael will visit the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen.




















original text/photos: Anton Hötzelsperger 

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