The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its annual Landesversammlung (Delegates Meeting) this past weekend in Sennfeld in Unterfranken. Elections are held every three years, and this was the year. 163 delegates from 22 Gauverbände attended the meeting. They represent the 796 Trachtenvereine that have a total of 161,681 adult members.
Max Bertl was re-elected to the position of 1.Vorsitzender. Peter Eicher from Gauverband I remains as one of his representatives. Two new representatives were elected namely, Erich Tahedl of Regensburg and Günter Frey of Sulzschneid. The new Vorsitzender for the Bayerische Trachtenjugend, which includes about 100,000 youth, is Armin Schmid from Thalmassing, who replaces Günter Frey. Marcus Gasteiger of Miesbach is the Landeskassier, replacing Walter Weinzierl who decided to retire from the office after serving 15 years. 2.Kassier is Renate Koch. Schriftführerin Hildegard Hoffman of München continues in her office with Rudi Dietz as 2. The heads of Sachausschüsse (various committees) changed slightly and will be reported at a later date.
In addition to the business of the Trachtenverband, the delegates were greeted by Schweinfurt’s deputy mayor during a reception at the Rathaus. A Gottesdienst (church service) was held in the Dreieinigkeitskirche in Sennfeld. The Trachtenverband Unterfranken, host for the weekend’s meeting, organized a Heimatabend with performances by its member Vereine throughout the Gau.
Congratulations to the Vorstandschaft of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband. Gau-NA looks forward to continued strong friendships with our Trachtenkameraden.
For more photos, go to this link:
Thanks to Hans Menzinger and Anton Hötzelsperger, Sachausschuss Presse, Bayerischer Trachtenverband, for the report and photos.