Re-published on 6/15/2018*
The long anticipated weekend is over but we'll never forget what an amazing experience it has been. D'Wageggler did a terrific job of hosting the Allgäuer Gaufest weekend and helping Gau-NA with the logistics of putting on the Bayerischer Löwe. There's so much to tell but you'll have to wait for articles in the Gauzeitung and later website posts. Huge kudos go out to 1. Gauvorplattler Rudy Leschke for his amazing organization skills and to 1. Gauvortänzerin Karin Schwab who was a great asset to Gau-NA. 2. Gauvorplatter Matt LaCourse and 2. Gauvortänzerin Christine Ott were also part of the well prepared leadership. Dozens of people were involved in running dance circles, tabulation, registration, and more. Gau-NA received much praise for how well we were able to run this huge event. But that's not what you came here to read about, is it? You want to know how your fellow Gau-NA Trachtlerinnen and Trachtler did in the competition.
We can all be extremely proud of those great dancers who represented Gauverband Nordamerika!! Here are the results:
14-16 Age Group (Buam)
14-16 Age Group (Dirndl)
Aktiv I (Ages 17-35)
Aktiv I
Aktiv II (Ages 36-49)
Aktiv II
Altersklasse (Ages 50-59)
Ehrenklasse (60+)
List of complete results with all competitors -- click here.
* The results were originally posted on 6/3. However, errors were discovered the next day and the Gauvorplattler asked that the results be pulled. More will be written in the Gauzeitung about what exactly happened.