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Bayerischen Trachtenverbandes Jahrestagung in Augsburg

submitted 12.October08 by C. Marquardt The Bayerischen Trachtenverband met for its annual meeting and elections in Augsburg, Germany on October 11 & 12, 2008. Otto Dufter will contine another three year term as Landevorsitzender. Otto has held this office for 15 years. He ran unopposed. The Bayerischen Trachtenverband includes 100,000 youth and 190,000 adult Trachtler. Otto as 1. Vorsitzender has three Stellvertreter. Klaus Reitner from Gauverband I (formerly 1. Vorsitzender of Landesjugend) was elected as a new Stellvertreter; Max Bertl of Oberen Lechgauverband and Bernd Walter from Gau Niederbayern will continue their offices of Stellvertreter.

The new Vorsitzender der Trachtenjugend, replacing Klaus Reitner, is Günter Frey from the Oberen Lechgauverband. Florian Vief from Diessen am Ammersee, Huosigau is the new Landesvorplattler replacing Sepp Lausch of the Bayerischen Inngau who held the office for eleven years. Walter Weinzierl of Bayerischen Inngau Verband and Peter Eicher from Gauverband I will continue in their positions of 1. and 2. Kassier. Hildegard Fluhrer of the Isargau will continue in her position of Schriftführerin with a new assistant Andreas Tax from Bayerischen Waldgau. Gertrud Lindler, Donaugau, will continue as head of Volksmusik and Volkslied. Edda Hutter remains head of Trachtenforschung and Trachtenpflege. Walter Sirch, Oberen Lechgau continues in the area of Mundart, Brauchtum and Laienspiel. Toni Hötzelsperger, Chiemgau-Alpenverband, will continue his work as Sachgebiet Presse.


The Haus der bayerischen Trachtenkultur und Trachtengeschichte was also discussed. Udo Rieger the project archeitect presented information about the progress. The first construction project, the Pfarrhaus, is completed and has been dedicated and is in use for an exhibition, the business office for the Jugend and as the workplace for the archivist Wolfgang Gensberger. Otto Dufter communicated that depending on finances, the remainder of the project should be completed in four to five years. Walter Sirch reported that on November 9 the first book about Bavarian Kartenspiele und Regeln (card games & rules) will be published.


The meeting was hosted by the Altbayerisch-Schwäbischen Gauverband in the Kongresszentrum in Augsburg. Ehrengästen included politicians, guests from Südwest-Deutschen Gauverband, Bund der Heimat- und Trachtenverbände in Oesterreich, Deutschen Trachtenverband and Chris Barnes, Enzian Seattle from Gauverband Nordamerika. Church service was in Stadtpfarrkirche St. Anton with Lechhauser Blasmusik and Stubenmusik Königsbrunn. There was an exhibition of the "Vielfalt (variety) der Trachten" and a photo presentation about the Holzhausen Projekt. The next Jahrestagung will be held the end of September 2009 and hosted by the Trachtler of the Lechgau in Landsberg am Lech.


photo & text: Toni Hötzelsperger (translation C. Marquardt)


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