Photo Hans Menzinger: front from left Renate Koch, Max Bertl, Peter Eicher and Andreas Tax. back from left Walter Weinzierl, Marcus Gasteiger, Heldgard Hoffmann, Rudi Dietz, Günter Frey (Vorsitzender der Bayerishen Trachtenjugend)
The annual meeting (Jahrestagung) of the Bayerischen Trachtenverband was hosted by the Rhein-Main Gauverband in Mainz. Max Bertl from Wildsteig will continue in the office of Landesvorsitzender. The Bayerische Trachtenverband has 22 Gauverbände which include 160,000 adults and and 100,000 youth members. This is Max's fourth year in office after taking over from Otto Dufter from Unterwössen. Continuing as Max's Stellvertreter are Peter Eicher, Vorsitzender des Gauverbandes I, Renate Koch from Oberfranken and Andreas Tax from Bayrischen Waldgau. New to the Vorstandschaft are Marcus Gastieger from Oberlandler Gauverband who will be assistant to Walter Weinzierl, Landeskassier, and Rudi Dietz, Gauvorstand of the Donaugau who will replace Hildegard Hoffmann from Munich as Landesschriftfüherin in the future.
In the Sachgebiet Volksmusik und Volkslied Andreas Hilger from Rottau im Chiemgau will take over the office previously held by Gertrud Lindler from the Donaugau.
Translated from a report by Hans Menzinger