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Bayerische G'wandkultur

submitted 27July2008 To celebrate 125 Jahre Trachtenvereine in Bayern the Bayerische Trachtenverband has named 2008 as Jahr der G'wandkultur. They designed a logo and scheduled many events throughout the entire year. The logo contains the words Tracht, zeitlos, wertvoll, bodenständig (Tracht: timeless, valuable, permanent). Recently a web site was created as part of this ongoing celebration and recognition of Tracht. Bayerische G'wandkultur has German text and beautiful photos of Tracht to illustrate the topics. "S'rechte Gwand zur rechten Zeit" (the right clothes for the right time), "Im Winter", "Zu Fastenzeit und Oster", "Bei Kommunion-Firmung". Bavaria has a distinctive culture, that resulted from the mentality, feelings, landscape, daily life and Christian beliefs and the G'wand is an external sign of this culture, said Peter Eicher, 1.Gauvorstand, Gauverband I. Why have a Jahr der G'wandkultur? Peter Eicher encourages Trachtler to treasure Trachteng'wand as something valuable, timeless and original and to wear it with pride and confidence and also for your own enjoyment. Link: 

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