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2020 Ausschuss Meeting Summary

On Saturday, April 25, the Gauausschuss of Gau-NA had a video meeting to discuss the pressing business of our organization. We are all sorry that we were not able to meet as an Ausschuss and as a Gauverband as we were originally scheduled to do in Anaheim, California. The pandemic has caused an unprecedented situation for us, one that could not be foreseen in our Bylaws and Rules. 

The Ausschuss considered only those agenda items that had to be addressed because the decisions were time sensitive. The agenda items that were slated for the Administrative and Vorplattler meetings were not acted upon at this special session. Below is a summary of decisions taken. Complete minutes have been sent via email to the Vereine and were also posted today on the Gauverband website.  CLICK HERE FOR POST

The 2022 Delegates Meeting will take place on April 29-May 1, 2022, to be hosted by Enzian Volkstanzgruppe in Newark, Delaware.  Thank you to EVTG for being willing to host. Your Verein always does a wonderful job!

The 2023 Gaufest will be held on July 13-16, 2023, hosted by STV Bavaria, Cleveland, Ohio, at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio.  Thank you to Bavaria for offering to host your third Gaufest, the second time it will be at the Kalahari. It's sure to be another grand event.

Note that both of these Vereine were the only ones to bid on these events.

Welcome to GTEV Hudsontaler of New York and the Orlando Trachtenverein of Florida as new members of Gauverband Nordamerika.  We are happy to welcome back Schuhplattler Verein Enzian of Calgary, Alberta, whose membership was reinstated.

The 2020-21 Budget was reviewed and accepted.

Two new Gaurichter were added to the judges pool: Welcome to Barbi Stanavage and Sonja Hetzel. The complete lineup of judges and the order in which they will be asked to judge is contained in the minutes.

The Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship awards for this year were announced.  Congratulations to Autumn Zodet (Alpenrose Schuhplattlers, Lancaster, PA), Lauren Burnette (D’Lustigen Isartaler Pittsburgh, PA and Gemuetlichen Enzian, NY), Lily Goetze (TEV Edelweiss, Denver CO), and Tristan Allmendinger ( GTV Edelweiss, Reading, PA).  

A long discussion was held about the cancelled 2020 Delegates Meeting and what alternatives we have for holding a full meeting between now and our next delegates meeting in 2022. The following motion was made and passed: “Due to the extraordinary circumstances of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the uncertainty of when we can safely reconvene, and given that the Gauausschuss held a meeting on April 25, 2020, to address the necessary business of the Gauverband, we forgo the 2020 Delegates Meeting, and the next Gauverband Delegates Meeting will be held in 2022.”

1.Gauvorstand Tom Vogt made a motion to extend all current elected and appointed officers’ terms until the next Delegates meeting.


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