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2015 Gaufest Gruppen & Einzelplatteln Results

104 couples and 20 groups competed at the 2015 Gaufest -- such a great showing.  Congratulations to all who took part and put so many long hours into practicing.  Kudos, also, to the judges: Thank you for preparing so thoroughly and for the many hours of concentration needed to judge!   Full results are available at this link (view on-line or download): 2015 Gaufest Gruppen and Einzel Results

Congratulations to Gruppenpreisplatteln winners:

  1. SVEV D'Oberlandler, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  2. STV Bavaria, Cleveland, Ohio
  3. SG Edelweiss, St. Paul, MN

Congratulations to Einzelpreisplatteln winners:

Age 16-34

  1. Andy Tschermak & Stefanie Williams, BHTV Golden Gate, San Francisco
  2. Matt LaCourse & Becca Sauter, SG Edelweiss, St. Paul
  3. Josh Meck, Auerhahn, Oley, PA & Kristen Schwab, GTV Almrausch, Philadelphia

Age 35-49

  1. Fritz Sheffler, BHTV Golden Gate, San Francisco & Cindy Hartz, SVEV D'Oberlandler, Milwaukee
  2. Michael & Maria Rase, TEV Edelweiss, Denver
  3. Joe Hubner & Suzanne Watters, Gemuetlichen Enzianer, Franklin Square, NY

Age 50-59

  1. Erich & Sonja Hetzel, STV Bavaria Cleveland
  2. Peter & Marianne Ehmann, Bayern Verein, Newark
  3. Kenny Ott & Regina Rock, STV Bavaria, Cleveland

Age 60+

  1. Erech Morrison & Ingeborg Henn, GTEV Maple Leaf Almrausch, Ottawa
  2. Don LaCourse, SG Edelweiss St Paul & Heidi Tschermak, BHTV Golden Gate, San Francisco
  3. Dennis Smith, SVEV D'Oberlandler, Milwaukee & Cindy Hoitink, BGTEV D'Werdenfelser, Sheboygan, WI


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