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2018 Sept. 15-16 Enzian Volkstanzgruppe's 50th Anniversary

Enzian Volkstanzgruppe is celebrating its 50th Anniversary on September 15-16 with a weekend of activities, and they're inviting their fellow Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen to take part.  For detailed information click on this link.

2018 April 21 Almrausch Philadelphia's 93. Stiftungsfest

Almrausch Philadelphia invites you to its 93. Stiftungsfest to be held on April 21.  Take a look at the flyer below for more detail.

2018 April 21 Edelweiss Chicago's Spring Dance

Heimat und Trachtenveren Edelweiss of Chicago invites you to attend its 104th Spring Dance on April 21, 2018.  See the flyer for the details.

2018 Bayerischer Löwe - Update for March

Note: March update attachment was revised as of 3/8.

As of this writing, we are less than 90 days away from our trip to Haldenwang Bavaria where we'll participate in the Allgäuer Trachtenfest and have our Preisplatteln champions compete "um den bayerischen Löwen."  I hope everyone going has their travel plans mostly in order. The following is a very brief synopsis of the March update.

2018 Gau-NA Delegates Meeting - Make Hotel Reservations Now

Update 2/28/18:  An email has been sent to all Vereine with forms for travel information and credentials (delegates, alternates, observers).  Please submit these forms as soon as you have the required information.  Letter and Forms from Heimat Taenzer     Flower Order Form (added 3/16/18)

2018 Gau-NA Delegates Meeting: PROPOSAL DEADLINES

As a reminder, the next Delegates’ Meeting will be hosted by the Heimat Tänzer of Omaha, Nebraska and will take place from April 28 – 29, 2018. To prepare for this meeting, please:

1. send me your proposed Gaufest Bids by January 28, 2018. The Requirements when Hosting a Gaufest Handbook is on the Gauverband’s website under Publications;

2. send me your proposed By-Law changes by January 28, 2018;


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