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Listen to German music on-line

If you enjoy German music -- you can listen on-line. Here are a few stations to choose from:

Stations streaming from Bayern:

Click RADIO, then select the station
  • bayern-plus from 10am-1pm Eastern time, daily
  • bayern 1 from 1pm-2pm Eastern, time daily
Listen anytime

Stations streaming from the U.S.:

Heimatecho "Milwaukee's Saturday Morning German Music Hour"
Every Saturday Morning 8am-9am Central Time
Hosted by Bob Ziegenbein "Click the Link and Listen Live"

Froehliche am Wochenende
WAIF-FM 88.3 Cincinnati
Hosted by Gebhard Erler
Saturdays, 10am -12pm Eastern Time

The German-American Hour
Hosted by Jack Renz & Tim Pecsenye
Sunday 9am-11am (ET) on WCWA 1230–AM and WIOT HD2 TOLEDO
Streamed over the Internet at
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