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Member Vereine Event

This event is hosted by or sponsored by a member vereine.

2019 March 29-30 - Mittelwest Bezirksfest in Chicago

HTV Edelweiss, Chicago, will be hosting the 29. Mittelwest Bezirksheimatfest on March 29-30 in Chicago.  You're invited!  Get complete information on hotel, tickets, and what to expect at this link.  Order tickets by February 15 for a discounted price.  Enjoy a  great weekend with Trachtenkameraden who come from all over Gau-NA to take part.

2020 June 26-27: Gebietsfest in St. Catharines, Ontario


GTEV Alpenroesl will be hosting the 3. Vier Länder Gebietsfest in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. The members of the Gebiet welcome all Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen to attend this fun event. It's never too early to put this on your calendar!

2018 Dec. 1: Schlierachtaler Stamm's 90th Edelweiss Ball

The members of GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm invite you to join them the weekend of Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2018, to celebrate their 90th Anniversary. On Saturday, December 1, 2018, is the 90th Edelweiss Ball at the Plattduetsche Park Restaurant in Franklin Square, NY.  Their special guests will be VTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm 1890 from Hausham, Bavaria.  See the two flyers below for more information about the weekend and the Ball.

2019 April 5-6: West Coast Bezirksfest in N. Hollywood, CA

It's never too early to make plans! The Tiroler & Bayern Zither Club of N. Hollywood, California, will be the host of the 6th annual West Coast Bezirksfest.  Mark your calendars for April 5-6, 2019.  Read more about it in the flyer or at

2018 November 16-18 Isartaler Pittsburgh's Fahnenweihe

Invitation from D'Lustigen Isartaler, Pittsburgh, PA --

Griaß Gott liabe Trachtler u. Trachtlerinnen,

2018 May 19 Schlierachtaler Stamm NY Maifest

Join Schlierachtaler Stamm for its annual Maifest on May 19, 2018, to be held at the Irish-American Center in Mineola, NY.  All the details are in the attached flyer.


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