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2017 Sept. 29-30: Goasslschnalzer Workshop, Gemütlichen Schuhplattler, Anaheim, California

The members of Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler of Anaheim, California, have special guests visiting soon from the Verein Alt Rosenheim in Bayern. During the days Alt Rosenheim will be there, two great events will be taking place. Everyone who would like to attend is welcome to come.

  • Sept. 29, 7 pm - Heimatabend at the Phoenix Club in the Lorelei Restaurant
  • Sept. 30, 11 am - Goasslschnalzer Workshop at the Phoenix Club in the Main Ballroom (no charge for the workshop)

Oktoberfest is being celebrated the entire weekend at the Phoenix Club, and all are welcome to attend that as well.

Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler would love to welcome you that weekend for fun, learning, and Gemütlichkeit.

Phoenix Club:  1340 S. Sanderson Ave., Anaheim, CA  92806    --      -      Erik Schwarze, Vorstand,

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