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$12,100 Donation to Trachtenkulturzentrum Holzhausen

Michael Olk and Manfred Hölzlein
Hans and Vroni Menzinger, Holzhacker Chicago Fahne

The Förderverein of the "Haus der Bayerischen Trachtenkulturzentrum" in Holzhausen held it's annual meeting in Hinterskirchen.  Michael Olk, Gauarchivar of Gauverband Nordamerika attended this meeting and presented a donation of $12,100.00 for the Trachtenkulturzentrum.  Michael told them that it was important to him to personally deliver this donation to the Bezirkspräsidenten von Niederbayern Manfred Hölzlein.  Manfred and Max Bertl, Landesvorsitzende des Bayerischen Trachtenverbandes, thanked Michael and all the Trachtenfreunden of Gau Nordamerika for this very generous gift.  Michael received a huge applause from the members of the Fördervein who were gathered there for the meeting.  Michael also brought the retired Vereinsfahne from Trachtenverein "Holzhacker-Buam Chicago" to be archived in the cultural center.

The Förderverein was created ten years ago to support the construction of the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen.  250,000 Euros have been collected for the project.  The Pfarrhaus, Depot and Jugendzeltlagerplatz (camping for youth with support building) have been completed with dedication ceremonies held. 

A full report of the meeting will be printed in the next edition of the "Heimat- und Trachtenbote". 





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