About our Dance Repertoire
Many of the dances which our club performs are Schuhplattlers.
Some examples of our favorite dances include:
- Ammerseer
- Andorfer
- Haitauer
- Haushammer
- Reit im Winkl
- Schnacklwalzer
We also perform several Figurentaenze and Volkstaenze
from Bavaria and Austria, including:
- Bandltanz (Zopftanz)
- Bankltanz
- Drei Steirer
- Kronentanz
- Muehlradl
- Steckentanz
- Steirer Figurentanz
- Sternentanz
- Zillertaler Laendler
Periodically our performances may even include an audience-participation dance!
Over the years we have performed many other dances not listed here, and of
course we also learn and perform new dances (well, new to us, anyway).
one of us to find out more. |